In the next few weeks I will be writing about my trip to Stockholm and the Nobel Prize ceremonies where Bob Dylan, whose art has been the subject of much of my work and joy, probably will not be appearing to receive his award. That will not, however, stop me from sharing a few illustrated posts about what I find and learn there.
There were several contenders for this blog’s title: Gainesing the World, Under the Big Tent at the Table of Joy, Under the Big Tent, The Table of Joy, All the Way to Heaven, Dancing Towards Stockholm, Dave Gaines’ 115th Dream, Many Things Considered, Ring Them Bells, and The Dylan Diaries among them. As I kicked each one around with those who have sailed with me, I started sounding like Woody Allen at the beginning of Manhattan, rejecting one after another as “too clever” or “too obscure” or “too…well, not quite it.” I also kept returning to two guiding principles for my final selection: less is more and everyone has their reasons.